
Website + Marketing

Your website is your best marketing tool. Even if you normally rely on customer referrals, a website with great visuals and valuable content can set you apart from your competitors and increase your revenue.

You need to know what your customers are searching for right now and how you can make sure these people find your website.

In this guide, I’ll teach you how to bring more people to your website. No marketing mumbo-jumbo, no expensive software, no confusing techniques.

1. What is website marketing?

Website marketing means promoting a business website in order to bring in more visitors. These visitors should be people who are likely to purchase the business’s services or products.

  1. Putting great content on your website
  2. Using tips and tricks to get search engines like Google to find you better
  3. Social media posts

2. What is a website marketing strategy?

A website marketing strategy is a plan to reach a goal based on what your website is already doing well, and what it’s lacking.

For example, let’s say the visitors who do visit your site usually book a free consultation. But, you don’t have that many visitors, to begin with.

Website marketing is defined as the strategic promotion of a website to increase its visibility and attract relevant traffic. Marketing a website means understanding what customers want and need. It’s not a secret.